Read The Question Former Alumni
Here at Read The Question, having tutored over 1,000 students over 20 years, we have a very large number of ‘alumni’! We use this space to keep in touch with our former students, as well as to let our current students know of the variety of different University courses, career paths and options available to them to enable them to reach their potential.
I’m Lucy, I’m 20 and I’m going into my final year as a Biology student at Lancaster University, with hopes to pursue a masters. I was a student at RTQ for 3 years and a staff member for 2 years - I was initially helped with my additional maths qualification during my GCSEs and then carried on with help during my Maths A level.
Without RTQ and Jo, I wouldn’t have got to where I am now. Jo not only gave me the skills and the knowledge to achieve an A in A level maths but also just generally gave me so much of a confidence boost in all aspects of my life.
RTQ helped me through some really difficult times and I really think that it shaped who I am today and made me really believe that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to and can be anything I want in the world, with some hard work and resilience. The grades were obviously a bonus but the confidence I gained from going to RTQ was a thousand times more rewarding and worth it, I’m very thankful and I would - and still do- recommend RTQ to anyone.
I’m Fraser and I am 23.
I currently work for a management consulting firm which specialises in acquisitions for Walmart, helping reduce costs and increase transparency for consumers. Before that, I was at The London School of Economics studying Economic History.
I was a student at RTQ for 2 years, studying for my 11+, and then a staff member for 3 years.
RTQ ensured I knew how to approach every question on my 11+ tests, and without the methods I learned with Jo, I wouldn’t have had any idea what to do when it came to verbal reasoning. I also particularly struggled with the pressure of exams but Jo’s positive approach to learning really put me at ease.
Passing the 11+ made a huge difference to my education, however it is the confidence and my mentality about learning which I thank RTQ the most for. Jo helped change my attitude from being scared of failing and making mistakes, to seeing mistakes as our best opportunity to learn and develop - a trait that I truly believe has allowed me to succeed in my education and my career.
As cheesy as it sounds, I would not be half the character I am now if it wasn’t for RTQ and I can't thank Jo enough for that!
I'm Ted and I'm 21.
I'm about to start my fourth year of an integrated master's degree in Civil Engineering at Durham University, and when I graduate next summer I'm hoping to become a structural engineer.
I'm also an organ scholar at uni, so I get to play at various cathedrals and I've even played live on Radio 4!
I was a tutor at RTQ for two happy years whilst at sixth form, and although I was never a student it's safe to say that my time there had a huge effect on me. Jo seems to radiate kindness and support, producing an empowering atmosphere of positivity where every student feels both at ease and motivated. In turn this truly allowed me to build my interpersonal skills and self-confidence, and consolidated my own ability in the subjects I was tutoring.
What really struck me about RTQ was how each student was treated holistically and individually, and how all of the tutors were incredibly invested in each of their progress - both personal and academic.
I also remember begrudgingly marking dozens of tests per evening without mark schemes - although this did wonders for my mental maths! Looking back now, my time at RTQ really shaped and developed me, and I feel really lucky to have spent two years in such a special and unique place! 🥳
I’m Laura and I currently work as a primary school teacher in London.
I always found maths difficult as a teenager and quite frankly was petrified at the thought of resitting my exam! As an adult I had to resit my GCSE in order to gain a place on a PGCE course.
Jo was patient, and encouraging even when I wanted to give up she didn’t let me! She not only supported me academically but gave me the self confidence and the tools to achieve.
After successfully passing my maths I worked as a tutor at RTQ and it is one of the best roles I’ve ever had.
There was a real sense of family at RTQ between the students, staff and families.
Jo and her staff go above and beyond to help students reach their full potential in a fun, secure surrounding and I feel privileged to have worked alongside such a caring and fun team.
I’m Joey and I’m 21.
I am a composite technician at a company called Ginetta, we design and manufacture race cars in Leeds. I’m part of the composite team, here we laminate parts such at wings, diffusers and lights to then assemble to the cars.
I have recently completed my HNC in mechanical engineering and soon to complete my NVQ.
I have been visiting Jo on and off since my GCSE’s. No matter what I was struggling with at school or college, Jo always tried her best to get me the answers and guidance I needed. The atmosphere really helped me learn and I found an enjoyment out of learning that I didn’t have at school. Due to it being 1 to 1, it allowed me to ask questions and this gave me a better understanding, and everyone is so helpful it gave me a lot of confidence towards my work. I don’t think I’d be where I am today without the help from Jo!
I was tutored with Jo and her team in 2010, and I went from hating maths to loving it, managing a B in my GCSE, which for me was amazing.
From there I went on to college, where I played for the football academy and studied sports and exercise science. I managed 3 distinctions, which was the best result in the year - Jo talked a lot about enjoying your subject and the importance of hard work, which is why I did quite well!
I got offered a scholarship at play football in America after college, but I decided I wanted to work in health and wellbeing instead. So at 18 years old I set up “To the Max Fitness”.
8 years later and me and my staff are still going strong - we have brand new gym and we’ve worked with over 500 people, helping them achieve their weight loss/fitness goals. I still see Jo around now and it’s great to see she’s still doing what she does so well - helping people achieve their potential!
Hi, I’m Kate and I’m 19.
I’ve just started my second year studying History and Ancient History at the University of Exeter and am looking to do a masters afterwards.
I first started at RTQ for a year when I was 10, and then came back at the start of year 10 when I was 14. I was also a tutor from 16-19 from part through year 11 right up until a few days before I left for university last September.
Even when I was having the worst day, going to RTQ would change everything and I would leave feeling lighter and so much happier. The positive effect RTQ had on my grades, but most importantly my mental health, was invaluable and something I will forever be grateful for.
The positive attitude towards learning and the supportive environment at RTQ was so important in providing a safe space to enjoy learning, make mistakes and explore in a way that school or college just wasn’t able to.
RTQ’s positive effect on me and my life really can’t be underestimated. Jo ensured that I knew exactly what to do when it came to my exams as well as how to deal with non-academic life in a much better way. Her warmth, kindness and supportive nature radiates through the whole place ensuring every child feels heard and supported.
Without Jo and the whole RTQ team I would undoubtedly not be where I am today, my time there had a profound effect on every part of my life. Everything I have achieved is so much down to the skills and mentorship I received during my time there. Jo helped me to believe in my own ability and gain back a confidence that I had lost and that I now rely on daily and I can’t every thank her and RTQ enough.
Hi, I'm Martha and I'm 19. I came to RTQ leading up to my 11+ exam as well as for support while studying A level chemistry in year 13.
As well as her amazing teaching, Jo gave me the best support I could've asked for during sixth form (a difficult time for everyone!). I found sixth form incredibly challenging and was struggling to achieve the grades I needed, but coming to RTQ saw an improvement in not only my grades, but my confidence too. I came away finally believing in myself and with the tools I needed to succeed. My time with her was invaluable and I wouldn't be where I am now without her!
As of today, I'm in my second year studying Biomedical Science at Aston University. I'm so proud to be studying a degree I absolutely love at a uni that suits me and my style of learning! I'm hoping to take a year in industry next year in a lab-based role to gain insight to future job prospects and experience before returning for my final year.
I absolutely loved my time at RTQ and I can't thank Jo and her team enough for the amazing work they do!
My name is Bethany and I am 23 years old. I have recently completed my degree in Philosophy at University of Leeds, achieving a 2:1.
I am about to start my new job as a medical receptionist at a GP based in Armley and taking time out to consider my career options. In my spare time I write articles for an online magazine called “The Release“.
As a former student at RTQ, I was tutored by Jo in preparation for my GCSE’s (English, Maths, and Science in particular), and had many 1 to 1 sessions during the period that I was homeschooled. I remember during that time I struggled a lot with my self-esteem, and Jo helped to restore my self-confidence so much.
Unlike school, RTQ made working enjoyable due to their person-centred, inclusive, and motivational approach to learning. It was clear to me that Jo believed in my ability to succeed, and time has proved to me that she was right. It was also clear that Jo genuinely cared about the wellbeing of her students, and invested so much time and energy into making RTQ the welcoming and positive place that I remember so clearly. Thank you RTQ for not only helping students to achieve great results, but for helping us to believe in ourselves.
RTQ helped me from GCSE right through to my A-Levels. I first came to RTQ in Year 9 because maths was one of my weakest subjects and I was struggling to score above C/D in my exams and tests (mainly because I'd just get too stressed out and give up).
I spent a lot of time working through maths questions and past papers with Fraser, Hamish and Ben. I really liked working with people who weren't too much older than me because it felt more like I was practising maths with a friend. I definitely have to give them all special thanks for putting up with my incessant questioning, but ultimately, because of their help, I went from walking out of maths mock exams crying, to getting a B for GCSE.
I also got help from Kloë, Beth and Shekina during my first year of A-Levels for French, Spanish and English Literature. Again, they were all really lovely, supportive and helped to build my confidence in these subjects which I then went on to study at university.
One of my favourite memories at RTQ has to be during my GCSE exam period. I had injured my right hand and was unable to write so I needed 1:1 support with revision. I would spend hours in the RTQ office doing mock exams and revising with Jo but it was actually a fun experience in a relaxed environment (and the daily lunchtime pulled pork burritos definitely helped with my motivation!).
For the last 4 years, I've been living in London studying for a BA in French at King's College London. I actually just got back from my year abroad which I was lucky enough to spend in the French Caribbean (Martinique). I'm currently in the process of applying to management/strategy consulting grad schemes for companies like Deloitte/EY/Bain & Co. I never thought I'd see the day where I would voluntarily apply to roles that required sitting timed maths tests.
I’m still in touch with Fraser who has been an absolute life-saver with helping me to prepare for the applications and start my career in consulting! RTQ has a really friendly and welcoming environment in which I was able to not only work on practical skills but also improve my overall confidence with taking exams and believing in my capabilities.
Huge THANK YOU to Jo and the RTQ team (and particularly to Fraser, Hamish, Ben, Kloë, Beth and Shekina)
Hi I’m Ben and I’m 23.
I currently work in Bristol as a Software Engineer at an online english language learning platform. We build auto-marking software based on AI and natural language processing to give English students and teachers all around the world access to tools to help learn English for language qualifications. Previously I did a degree in Engineering Mathematics at Bristol University.
I had tutoring lessons with Jo for my 11+ in 2007 and worked at RTQ as a tutor while studying for my A-levels, teaching 11+ exams and GCSE Maths/Science. The best lesson I got from Jo was giving my work the attention it needed. I was one for rushing about and making silly mistakes or as Jo calls them, 'Mathematical Moments of Madness'. Jo taught me to apply myself and see the value in taking pride in my work, certainly a lesson I try and use everyday!
Teaching at RTQ was great for me as it meant I had an opportunity to learn how to articulate and explain concepts to others. This is a super useful skill in my current job as I work in a small mixed team of technical and non-technical so the productivity of the company depends on strong communication within our team. Working at RTQ also refined my tea making skills enormously, a skill I’m proud of to this day!
The biggest compliment I could give to Jo is that I enjoyed every lesson I had/gave at RTQ and always left having had a laugh and a great time.
Hi, my name is Mica,
I am 28 and I began studying with Jo when I was 12, 16 whole years ago! Jo didn’t have a dedicated space yet, so she taught me in her conservatory. I’m really happy that Jo is now able to reach and inspire so many more young people now, through RTQ.
When I first started working with Jo, I had left the school system after struggling for a long time. I was home schooling (following a free-schooling style) and the only formal learning I did was learning maths (and later biology) with Jo. I was a very anxious learner and got overwhelmed and upset A LOT! Jo was endlessly patient and positive. Her energy was contagious, and she had the best stationery!
Working with Jo, I realised for the first time that learning could be interesting, and even fun! I have now worked as a gymnastics coach for 14 years, and about 4 years ago decided I wanted to open up my career path. I took a long distance access course and now I am in my 3rd year at uni studying sport exercise and nutrition and I hope to go on to work as a nutritionist.
I honestly feel like I am succeeding academically, which is unbelievable when I think back to where I was. I worked with Jo for about four years, and I like to think her energy and positivity rubbed off. She laid a foundation for everything that has come after and I don’t know what I would have done without her.
I am 19 years old and I was taught by Jo throughout my GCSE’s for Maths.
I also worked for RTQ for two years during my A-levels tutoring students for, predominantly, English literature and language. I feel that RTQ is a fun, energetic and educational space to learn in. When I was tutored by Jo and the team, they always found a way to explain maths to me in a less daunting and inclusive way which was easier to understand and remember.
Without RTQ I definitely wouldn’t have passed my maths GCSE!
Between learning, we often engaged in interesting and factual debates which helped me widen my general knowledge and analytical skills.
I am now training to be a dental nurse at Todmorden Dental Care, as well as running a small art business over Instagram and Facebook.
Jo and everyone at RTQ helped me become a more resilient, confident and inquisitive person in the time I was there as a student as well as a member of staff, and I am forever grateful for the opportunities they helped me with.
Hi! My name is Jade.
I am 24 and began studying with Jo at RTQ roughly about ten years ago now until I left high school!
When I attended at RTQ, it was Jo and her brother Paul who would tutor me and my sister. Before I started at RTQ, I’d considered myself more of a creative, outdoorsy kind of girl, not very capable in departments such as maths (although I loved Biology!). However as I wanted to work as a Zoologist, I needed to do well in that area, and that’s where RTQ stepped in.
The fun that Jo and Paul brought to our maths lessons was definitely what made them successful to me. I found that I was able to concentrate and take in more as I actually enjoyed doing it for once! I always remember having my nose stuck in a historical romance book when I arrived at RTQ, and we would always have a laugh about that! We just genuinely had a great time whilst learning, and I remember being in awe of Jo’s confidence and conviction in how she communicated.
The lessons paid off, and I left high school with grades I was proud of (all Bs and As!) and managed to get into one of the hardest colleges in the area to study. From there I went to the University of Manchester to study Biomedical Science, and then transferred onto Optometry when my grades excelled and the option arose!
I decided that Optometry wasn’t for me, I needed something a bit more exciting…so now I am a serving Police Officer!
Jo gave me confidence to pursue anything I set my mind to, and I truly believe now that the world is my oyster.
I'm Louis and I’m just about to turn 22. I worked at RTQ from when I was 15-19, during GCSES, A Levels and my Gap Year. I also attended lessons for GCSE maths and A level maths and physics.
Overall, RTQ enabled me to develop a huge variety of communication skills with people of all ages.
It helped me start to learn to lead people and was a really unique and advantageous to my CV. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I loved every minute I spent there and was an experience that massively shaped me.
I chose not to go to uni in the end, and now I'm a store manager for M&S in Manchester, a job that RTQ 100% helped me secure. I also volunteer as treasurer at RTQ’s sister company, ATQ.
I went to RTQ from 11+ age when RTQ was set up in Jo's kitchen, and carried on until A levels.
It's full of caring people, both students and staff, with great support for academics but also for emotional support too. I worked there for 4 years also, and I am also the board secretary for ATQ.
RTQ definitely helped me develop as a person, both socially and academically. After a lot of time considering my future, as Jo will attest to, I am now at UCL studying MSci Biological Sciences: cell biology with hopes of researching the neuroendocrine system and development in the future.
My name is Jess and I’m 23.
I started attending RTQ in year 8 for a bit of extra help on top of my school studies and continued to do so throughout most of high school. I eventually became a staff member around the time I was in sixth form.
Since leaving RTQ, I have graduated from the University of Birmingham with a first class master’s degree in pharmacy. I went on to spend my pre-registration year working for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, during which I was assigned to work within the critical care pharmacy team as part of the Trust’s COVID-19 response.
Having recently completed my training, I have just moved to London to commence a new role as a pharmacist at King’s College Hospital. Alongside this, I will be studying part-time for a post-graduate diploma.
In addition to developing my academic knowledge and skills, RTQ helped me to build a sense of confidence in myself and my abilities. The staff at RTQ went above and beyond to make me feel capable and supported, especially when I was struggling, and for that, I can’t thank them enough. Their belief in me made anything seem achievable- with a bit of hard work! This attitude has stayed with me to this day.
Hi, I’m Henry and I am 19 years old.
I am an apprentice project manager for BAE Systems who supply civilian/military aircraft, defence technology, Naval vessels, land warfare systems to various different air forces and defence hubs around the world. I am also completing a project management degree that has been provided by the company.
I was a student at RTQ for 4 years, studying for my GCSE’s. RTQ ensured I knew every approach to answering questions within my exams and really did give me the confidence boost I needed. Jo is such a helpful, caring and witty character; she will most definitely do everything she can so that you get the help you need.
The environment within RTQ is very relaxing and mistakes were seen as an opportunity to develop, not a step back. RTQ has made me feel very confident and optimistic about my future. Without the tutoring I wouldn’t be in the position I am right now and I can’t thank the guys at RTQ, especially Jo, for that.
I’m Shaila and I’m 25
I graduated as a midwife 4 years ago and I am currently working as a specialist Research Midwife. On my clinical days I predominantly provide care to women during labour. On my research days I work to deliver clinical trials, offering women the opportunity to take part in trials they may be eligible for and helping to deliver evidenced based care.
Over the last few months the research world was hit by a whirlwind…Covid-19! I have spent the last 6 months working on Coivd-19 research, the effects the disease has on pregnancy, childbirth and babies. I studied my midwifery degree at the University of Bradford and somehow managed to gain an award for outstanding academic achievement at my graduation.
The drive and determination I had to get me to that stage all stemmed from Jo at RTQ. Jo was my tutor from the age of 14, throughout my GCSEs, my A-Levels and even helped me during my early years at university. Jo made me believe that I could achieve everything I wanted to and more and she never let me think otherwise. She instilled the confidence in me to believe that my hard work and determination would help me to achieve my dreams and she was so right. I will forever be grateful for your kind words, your encouragement and for genuinely caring. Your words will stay with me always.
Thank you Jo and thank you RTQ
I’m nineteen and was at RTQ for around a year for help with my maths.
I’ve recently finished college with a triple distinction star in applied science, alongside working part time supervising a microbiology laboratory at the weekend, and have confirmed my place at the university of Bristol to study Zoology.
RTQ was incredibly helpful for me, allowing me to improve my confidence and ability and also providing me with a fun learning environment to work on my maths and also have some really interesting conversations.
I have a lot to be thankful for, especially the skills I gained at RTQ and the people I met there.
Hi! My name’s Anna and I’m 20.
I am currently a third-year history student at the University of Sussex, down in the lovely Brighton. I was supposed to be on a year abroad this academic year, but due to COVID had my plans upturned – nevertheless, I have the opportunity to go next year instead, and hope therefore that in September 2021 I will be in Japan. I was a student at RTQ twice - once for the 11+, and again for help in my mechanics and statistics A-Level modules.
I can’t overstate how encouraging, helpful and brilliant Jo is, nor how much I learned at RTQ – not just in terms of content which I needed for my exams, but also about how to persevere, and have confidence in your abilities. I would definitely say that I had a habit of giving up if I felt I couldn’t do something until I went to Jo, but my time at RTQ taught me that there is no shame in struggling sometimes, and never to be afraid to reach out for help.
I left RTQ with more than just great results; I came away with confidence and a ‘can-do’ mind-set which I can benefit from for the rest of my life. I can’t thank Jo and the other fantastic staff at RTQ enough for being so amazing and supportive, and helping myself and many others alike.
Hey! I'm Danny and I'm 20.
I was taught at RTQ for several years leading up to my 11+ exams. As well as this I've had the fantastic opportunity of working with Jo personally, whilst studying for my A-levels, providing the same support I needed to others.
Since I left RTQ I achieved A-level qualifications in Biology, chemistry and geography that allowed me to study Biology at Newcastle University. I’ve spent most of my time (and money) on buying myself a van that I've spent the last 3 years decking out as a camper! Since I recently finished my van I've been constructing a tiny house out of upcycled materials responsibly sourced from skips and fly tipping sites.
Although I've benefitted academically from my tutoring, primarily RTQ has been an artery of support and structure for my family for as long as I can remember. Jo's dedication to her student and employees wellbeing has helped me through some real bumps along the road that could’ve easily gone both ways.
On top of all of this, RTQ allowed me to meet my lovely girlfriend, Ruby! We’ve been together for over a year and the tiny house is our passion project together. It's been ace, I can’t thank Jo enough and I hope she knows what an impact she’s made.
Hi, I’m Nancy and I’m 25.
I started working with Jo when I was diagnosed with dyslexia in my first year at secondary school. I was struggling with maths and sciences.
At the time I felt rather hopeless about school and my studies - although I was trying hard, nothing was clicking in my head. Exams were my worst nightmare. Going to Jo not only helped me with my subjects but also my confidence. Jo taught me to tackle issues head on and not procrastinate about my work, as this only made matters worse.
With Jo’s help, I managed to get 5 GCSE’s which allowed me to go on to study for a Health and Social Care BTEC at Huddersfield New College. The BTEC was great for me as there were no exams at the end of the course. After passing my BTEC with distinctions I went onto study Sociology at Sheffield Hallam. This was something I didn’t think was on the cards for me when I met Jo in year 7.
I graduated with a 2:1 and secured a civil service apprenticeship in marketing and communications.
Since then I have moved to London, secured a couple of promotions and I’m currently working for the Cabinet Office for Government Digital Services. Jo's dedication got me through some bumpy times and I'm very thankful for all the help and support RTQ gave me.
So I’m 22 now - I was at RTQ first as a student when I did my 11+ and then as a staff member from the ages of 16 to 18.
After I left RTQ I went to Durham uni to study Economics and Psychology and I’m now working as an audit trainee in the consumer markets division of an accountancy firm.
When I first met Jo, I was an under confident kid, desperate to do well and thus prone to rushing and making silly mistakes. Jo taught me to slow down when I worked, think about my methods and of course, to read the question! The exam techniques she taught me at age 10 I genuinely still use today!
Jo encouraged my potential from the offset and the care and attention I was provided as an RTQ student, I witnessed first hand years later as a staff member. I’m very grateful to Jo and the rest of the team for time I spent at RTQ and I know the the confidence she distilled in me has definitely helped shape my education and career.
I studied with Jo for my maths GCSE for about a year, and she was a big help.
I went on to study at sixth form college and then do a software developer apprenticeship. I am currently doing a higher level apprenticeship course at the moment and work as a junior software developer. Without RTQ I would probably have never been able to go for my engineering aspirations as it helped me become more analytical.
Hello I’m Elliott Bamford I’m 25 years old and I worked for RTQ between the ages of 16- 18 following Jo’s huge help with me during my GCSE’s.
Following my time at RTQ, I graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2017. Post graduating I decided to take a gap year and my first Ski Season in Switzerland before returning home and I now work for a digital marketing agency in Greater Manchester.
RTQ played a huge part in boosting my self confidence as I entered adulthood. Actually being able to help younger students in areas I once required tuition in myself made me realise I am not only able to overcome challenges faced in life but turn them into strengths, given the right belief and work ethic.
Hi, I’m Jack and I’m 20 years old.
I started as a student at RTQ back when I was in year 5, to help me prepare for my 11+, and couldn’t seem to stay away, because funnily enough I was back again as a staff member for 2 years while I was in 6th form!
I am currently in my third year of study for a masters degree in Natural Sciences at Lancaster University, with a focus on Maths and Physics. In the future I’m hoping to start a career in applied maths and statistics once I graduate.
Both of my experiences at RTQ have been completely invaluable to me. As a young student Jo taught me the importance of a strong work ethic, and the philosophy of practice, practice and more practice is something I picked up from RTQ, and it’s something that I’ve stuck with not just in school, but in almost every other aspect of my life as well.
As a member of staff at RTQ, I definitely benefitted from being around and talking to so many different and awesome people.
I gained a whole new appreciation for the work that Jo and everyone else puts in, to tailor every lesson specifically to each student and get the best out of them and was so pleased I got to be a part of such an ace team. (also all the drinks I made definitely helped with my tea-making consistency)
Without my time at RTQ I certainly wouldn’t have a lot of the skills I have today and I definitely wouldn’t be where I am academically. I really can’t speak highly enough about Jo and everyone at RTQ.
Hi I’m Evie
I’m 19 and I had lessons with Jo for my 11+ and then worked at RTQ for two years while I was doing my A levels
I then went on to Sheffield University to study Politics and International Relations and I am in my second year there now, and also campaigning for community and women’s issues in the city!
Next year I am studying abroad in Australia, and after that I hope to train to become a lawyer
Coming to RTQ really helped me to build my esteem and taught me how to articulate my ideas and opinions with more confidence which has been very useful at Uni. Helping other people with their writing and reading and having discussions in the RTQ office really helped me with my communication skills and ability to see other people’s perspective, which will be really important for my career!
I’m now in my second year at the University of Liverpool studying law. I work part-time in one of Liverpools gay clubs and I am one of the Uni of Liverpools LGBT+ society welfare and campaigns officers, so I help run society events and decide which campaigns the society should focus on.
RTQ definitely helped me with my english and maths, especially since i’d missed a lot of school due to illness, but the confidence and skills I learnt helped me across all my subjects from school to uni. The most valuable thing I got out of RTQ was definitely confidence in my own ability and learning how to revise effectively.
These skills helped me well outperform the “target grades” school had set me. I absolutely recommend RTQ to anyone, it’s such a friendly environment and makes learning fun (even when it is maths)!